How hard is it to let go?
Letting go...
of someone you've learned to love;
of the activities you've loved doing; and
of the people you've learned to cherish...
I hate goodbyes.
But it's the reality
you must learn to say goodbye...
you must learn to let go.
I'm saying goodbye to the position that I cherished the most.
I'm saying goodbye to the SLIS Community that I;ve considered as my second home.
I'm saying goodbye to the UP LISSA, my second family.
I'm saying goodbye to UP that became my world for the past four years.
I am saying goodbye... for now.
I will always find my way back to my home, my family, and my world.
I'm happy to let go of one thing though, the position that I worked hard for.
Goodluck to the new batch of officers. Goodluck to the new breed of LISSAlistas!
You'll do better than we did. I know you will.
I have faith in you, guys.
To Jean, you'll be better than me.
Believe in what you can do.
It'll be hard at first but you'll do great, I'm sure.
Learn from my mistakes.
Nakasalalay sa president ang lahat, take it from me.
FAIL ang term ko (blame me) at alam ko naman na di un mangyayari sa inyo.
To the new officers,
Kayang-kaya niyo yan...
See ya'round, peepz!
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