First Day.

Slept at around 4am. Woke up--5:30am.
I was sleepy the whole day and luckily I managed to not fall asleep during the exam.
Dad cooked for me and made hatid to MLQU. Yay!
First two subjects were quite easy. Not expecting it to be that too easy though.
Third and last subject was a shocker. I don't know how I passed that subject. Yikes.
First day ended around 3pm. What a Tiring first day! Got to ready for the 2nd and last day.
Went home tired and frustrated.
Second Day.

Woke up at around 430am.
Feeling at little frustrated, I needed to think positive and be ready.
First subject was my fave exam.
Second and last subject was a blah. This time, I knew that I didn't pass. Thank God for my co-LLE. Happy people=Happy friends.
We all went to Trinoma for dinner.
Met up with someone later that night. And he was sure that I'll pass. I didn't believe him.
Two Days After.
Lucky Friday the 13th.

At around 8:30pm, someone called and told us that the results were already out. Ran inside to check and was too shaky to do so.
Jen screamed that she passed. Chad followed. Uh oh, they didn't mentioned my name. I checked and saw my first name and middle name, I screamed, jumped, and cried. All UPLISSA 2009 Graduates passed the LLE. Wow! Dean Vyva was so happy to hear the news and we were jumping and screaming like crazy. Yikes!
It was the longest week ever. But the happiest one I should say. :)
Here's the link: LLE 2009 Board Passers
I didn't managed to be one of the top10 but whatever! I'm happy to pass.
Thank God.